We’ve been homeschooling the kids for almost four months now and whilst that sounds like a long time, it doesn’t really feel all that long. The kids have been amazing – they completely understand the situation in which we are in and despite their feelings of frustration in regards to missing their friends and family, they have not once lost their mojo.
home schooling
Having worked his stripy socks off for the past however many weeks of home-schooling, J was electronically awarded the lighthouse award late last week. To celebrate his achievement he decided to create a virtual lighthouse using his beloved Minecraft game. J is mad about Minecraft, he’s got the game on almost every platform imaginable and despite my suggestions to combine his games so that whichever platform he chooses to login upon comes up with the same game, he is quite happy to have a range of Minecraft games to be getting on with. Whilst I’m not entirely keen on the…
At last, April is over and we are through yet another month of lockdown. I suspect that we will have at least another three weeks if not more being stuck inside, though it’s all for our own safety and therefore I must not moan… (moan moan moan). Despite being stuck within the same four walls, we’ve made the most of our time together – here are a few of the things which I have #LikedandLoved throughout April. Paul Turned Thirty-Something Though we tend to celebrate birthdays by enjoying trips and treats out and about, this year we were forced to…
The kids are doing so well considering the current lockdown malarkey – we’ve really got into the swing of homeschooling and between the four of us, we’ve established a pretty rocking routine! Paul and Joe Wicks start the day with PE followed by Newsround and a short break. I then continue with spellings, handwriting, literacy, reading, grammar, writing, arithmetic, and mathematics before lunch.