September has been none-stop, there has barely been a second for us to suspend service and to sit down. My body is desperate for a much-needed rest but up until now I simply haven’t had the chance to allow myself the luxury of lazing about. I’m well aware that I’m far from the only female rushing around like a headless chicken at this time of the year, so without further whining or waffle, here are a few of the things which I have ‘liked and loved’ throughout the past month. Back To School The kids and I started back at …
high school
September has certainly been the month for school, school and yet more school. The kids have made a fantastic start in their new classes with their new teachers, they both seem incredibly settled and happy which makes life far easier for me. Our evenings however have been far from laid back as I’ve spent the majority of the past four weeks ferrying E & J to and from various clubs and social gatherings, we have also spent time at a couple of open evenings to consider J’s future secondary school. Living in a rural area leaves us with fewer options …