Welcome to this week’s #MySundaySnapshot post, which is part of a snap-sharing-blog-linky series that you are very welcome to join. Click here for further information and guidelines upon this linky should you wish to take part. With scorching temperatures UK-wide, I’ve spent much of this week either perfectly positioned under a parasol (with a drink in hand) or taking time out to shelter from the rays in our shady kitchen. It’s been a really odd week and I’ve found myself feeling somewhat overwhelmed at times as everything seems to be changing all at once around me. Paul very kindly picked some flowers to add a …
Welcome to this week’s #MySundaySnapshot post, which is part of a snap-sharing-blog-linky series that you are very welcome to join. Click here for further information and guidelines upon this linky should you wish to take part. So here are – the summer holidays have finally arrived as of course has the rain, typical! Despite the endless drizzle, the temperature is still a balmy twenty degrees which is far more refreshing than the thirty-six degrees Celsius heatwave that we endured earlier this week (which is when I shot this beautiful blue floral scene). Being a redhead, I’m not cut out for the hot weather, goodness knows …
It’s most definitely been a busy month what with winding down for the summer holidays, various but seemingly endless appointments, and our recent (but temporary) house move whilst our kitchen re-fit gets underway. I feel like all I’ve done for the past month is to sign and fill out forms, make calls, write lists (and even more lists) and pack boxes. It’ll be worth it in the long run I’m sure but boy am I in need of some rest and relaxation. Here are a few of my #LittleLoves amidst the chaos which has been July. Read Other than kitchen, …
July has been one of the hottest months in the UK that I think I have ever experienced, as expected though the weather seemed to wane the moment that the summer holidays actually arrived. July has also been an incredibly busy month for my family and I. I feel as if we’ve barely had the time to stop for a second. Thankfully the summer holidays have now arrived and we can finally catch up on the mound of jobs which have been left waiting for far too long. To celebrate the summer and to highlight the ‘positive points’ from the past …
Once upon a time I would spend time each week collecting scenic shots specially for My Sunday Photo posts, these days I haven’t the time nor currently the energy to do so. Given that we’ve spent the bulk of our weekend lazing on the lawn, I decided it was more apt to post a paddling pool picture taken earlier today. The temperatures are soaring at almost thirty degrees and being a redhead I don’t fare well in the heat, neither do our kids or the dogs for that matter. We are all utterly exhausted by the heat but despite feeling drained, we’ve …