So here we are at the end of November already, Christmas is literally right around the corner and I for one cannot wait. Though it’s been an emotional month (as we marked a year since my darling Dad’s passing) we’ve done our best to keep busy and to stay upbeat. So without further ado, here are a few of my #LittleLoves for the past thirty days or so. Read I’ve spent the past couple of months working alongside a colleague trained in ‘Wellbeing’ and after practising a few of her relaxation and lifestyle tips I’ve found myself incorporating ‘wellbeing’ techniques …
The past few days have been a bit of a blur, there’s so much going on at present yet somehow we’ve managed to repaint both the kitchen and dining room, we’ve had a day out to the cinema to watch Sonic The Hedgehog followed by a MacDonald’s, and today we’ve been for a family swim at the local swimming baths.
I can barely believe that it’s already that time of the month to sit and reflect upon the things which I have #LikedandLoved. We seem to be cruising through the calendar at such speed that I’m scarcely able to tell the days apart! Here’s a few of the things which I have #LikedandLoved this month: Hats Off For World Book Day To celebrate World Book Day, my children were asked to create hats based upon their favourite stories, authors and books. E decided she wanted to be Mary Poppins whereas J opted to decorate a top hat with his …