So here we are at the end of March already and as always, I’ve sifted through my snapshots of the month gone by and have come up with my ‘top ten highlights’ from the past however many weeks to share some of the things that I have #LikedandLoved throughout the month. Brace Yourself After almost two years of struggling with endless orthodontic appointments, J finally had the metal removed from his mouth and he is now brace-free (apart from night times when he’s to wear a lifelong retainer) and he couldn’t be happier as he is now able to chew …
harry potter bedroom
So here we are at the end of yet another month. February may well be a short month but it’s sure flown by! Here are a few of my #LittleLoves from the past twenty-however-many days. Read Having completed Adam Silvera’s Death-Cast series, I decided to explore some of his previous books and ended up ordering ‘History Is All You Left Me’. Though it took me a week or two to make progress with this book, I’ve finally got myself into the story and, I’m now a couple of chapters into reading History Is All You Left Me. Watched After a …