If you want to look great whenever you take the kids out, then you should know that this is very easy to do. If you want to take a step in the right direction, then this guide will help you to look great in 10 minutes or less. Wash your Face Washing your face in the morning should take less than one minute. Believe it or not, keeping your skin nice and exfoliated is super important and it makes you look as though you slept well the night before. It also stops any dead skin cells from clogging up your …
So here we are at the end of April already, we are now in the final academic term of the year and have less than twelve weeks to go until the summer holidays – where the heck does time get to?! I guess time flies when you’re having fun, or busying yourself with various DIY projects, either way here are a few of the things that I have #LikedandLoved this month. One Year To Go Until The Big 4-0 We began the month by celebrating Paul’s final thirty-something birthday with beer, burgers, and of course cake. With less than a …
Life is slowly and steadily returning to a new sort of ‘normal’ and boy does it feel good to enjoy a slice of normality for once. It’s been almost a year since I last had my hair cut and though I’m well aware it’s very much a ‘first world issue’ – I’ve put up with having thick, lengthy locks for months now and it was beginning to get slightly unmanageable. Late last week I finally ‘went for the chop’ – it was so nice to take some time to have my hair cut, straightened, and styled by a professional, that …
There may only be thirty days in September but this month feels as if it’s dragged on forever. I’m not sure whether it’s the wet weather, the darker nights or the fact that routine has returned but I’m completely and utterly exhausted! September may have been slightly stressful and certainly very busy but it’s also been enjoyable. Here are a few of the things which I have #LikedandLoved throughout September. Back To School Following a lengthy, six-week, summer holiday, the kids made a return to school. E started her final year of the infants whereas J began his final year …
I swear as we get closer to the summer, each month just gets more and more manic! June has been crazy busy but filled with plenty of family fun, here are just a few of the many things which I have #LikedandLoved throughout the past month. Watch out! Following a few random fainting episodes, my husband very kindly purchased a smartwatch for me to wear which monitors my heart rate, blood pressure and all that kind of malarky. It’s actually really useful, rather pretty and with the added extra that I can now see messages as they arrive, I’m a smartwatch …