As the kids are no longer at school both due to the recent ‘coronavirus lockdown’ and of course the easter holidays, I decided to cut them a little slack and let them go loose with some hair dye. It’s not as if either of them has to adhere to any uniform regulations for some time so why not?
hair dye
I swear as we get closer to the summer, each month just gets more and more manic! June has been crazy busy but filled with plenty of family fun, here are just a few of the many things which I have #LikedandLoved throughout the past month. Watch out! Following a few random fainting episodes, my husband very kindly purchased a smartwatch for me to wear which monitors my heart rate, blood pressure and all that kind of malarky. It’s actually really useful, rather pretty and with the added extra that I can now see messages as they arrive, I’m a smartwatch…
Although I have naturally curly hair I’ve spent the past eight years sporting a straight bob. To be honest other than the daily straightening required it took a minimal amount of effort to maintain but as you can imagine I grew bored with wearing my hair in the same style day in and day out. I’ve experimented with a few different partings and shoulder lengths over the years, I have also gone bleach blond at one point but as I’m fair-skinned I found that it made me look far too pale. Recently I’ve spent time growing my hair but after…