Every few weeks my parents very kindly have the kids overnight; it gives Paul and I the chance to relax a little whilst the kids spend time with their Grandparents. We don’t pack much in terms of clothing as my Mother is an eBay addict and is forever buying bundles of clothes for the kids, which they come home wearing the following day. However, we are always sure to pack their walking boots and wellies as whilst there, they usually head out for a hike with the crazy but cute dog. Although I miss having the kids at home, it does …
Each and every Sunday the kids visit their Nanna & Grandad’s house, it is something they look forward to every week as it seems that their Grandparents is their favourite place to be. Nanna & Grandad’s house is like a second home to our kids, they are there every other day or so. My Mother-in-law is a Saint you see, she looks after the kids when Paul or I are both at work, she ferries the kids to and from School and Nursery when we are unable to and steps in whenever we have any issues with illness or organisational errors …