So here we are at the end of June already, thirty days sure have flown by. Here are a few of the things that I have #LikedandLoved throughout the month. Half term holidays Though it feels like a lifetime ago now, the half-term holidays were the much-needed break that we all required in order to rest and recuperate. We specifically didn’t plan anything so that we could take the time to catch up with ourselves, though E and I spent a weekend at a local art workshop and we took the kids to the cinema mid-week to watch the latest …
February has very quickly come to a close and though it’s the shortest month of the year it seems to have been the busiest so far for us. Here are a few of the things that we have #LikedandLoved throughout the past twenty-odd days. Eighteen Years Together Paul and I celebrated eighteen years together this month. It really doesn’t feel like eighteen years since we went out on our first date but time obviously flies when you’re having fun. Valentines Day As usual, Paul and I celebrated Valentine’s Day a day earlier than most (as it merges with our anniversary). …
Here we are, halfway through the year from hell – what I’d do to wake up one morning and to discover that the past six months have been nothing but a nightmare, sadly that’s not the case and so I continue to try and look at the lighter side of things. So without further ado, here are some of the things which I have #LikedandLoved throughout June. Fun In The Sun Every now and then (like once in a blue moon) us Northerners get to see the yellowy-orangy ball in the sky and though it’s often hidden behind a cloud, …
Welcome to this week’s #MySundaySnapshot post, which is part of a snap-sharing-blog-linky series that you are very welcome to join. Click here for further information and guidelines upon this linky should you wish to take part. Talk about a wasted effort – this past week has been completely and utterly pointless but it’s certainly taught me some life lessons, one of which is to embrace the moment and to ‘just do it’. There’s no point in hanging around wondering about the what-ifs, time waits for no man or woman for that matter. It’s no use staying inside and hiding from the World because your worried …