I swear as we get closer to the summer, each month just gets more and more manic! June has been crazy busy but filled with plenty of family fun, here are just a few of the many things which I have #LikedandLoved throughout the past month. Watch out! Following a few random fainting episodes, my husband very kindly purchased a smartwatch for me to wear which monitors my heart rate, blood pressure and all that kind of malarky. It’s actually really useful, rather pretty and with the added extra that I can now see messages as they arrive, I’m a smartwatch…
fun run
Another month has gone by like the blink of an eye and as always I am going to take a moment to reflect upon the past thirty days and to highlight some of the many things that I have ‘Liked and Loved’ during June. Sports Day It’s the almost the end of yet another school year and as the summer holidays draw ever closer there is once again a sudden surge of activities which the kids are to take part in from trips, residential visits and days out to sports days and presentation afternoons. It’s all go just as…
I swear to god the last few weeks before the end of the summer term are crazy busy, I don’t seem to be able to differentiate between my ass and my elbow at this present moment as there is so much going on. First things first the kids are great, E is completely back to normal following her recent fall which is super-duper. J has managed to blow me away with his willingness to partake in his school fun run and this morning he made my heart swell with pride as he crossed the finish line full of smiles. Now…