Here we are at the end of November already, with Christmas just around the corner it’s certainly a busy time of the year and there’s been plenty going on especially so over the past month. Here’s a few of the many things which I have #LikedandLoved throughout November. Bonfire Night I am a huge fan of fireworks, they may be explosive and somewhat dangerous but they are just so magical! As always, my family and I went to two firework displays within the first week of November, both of which were great fun. Freya Ridings Having listened to Freya Riding’s …
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Excuse the rather late post, I’ve had an emotionally demanding day followed by a much-needed night out with my bestie thus have been somewhat occupied. However, I am now home, have had a hot bath and am curled up in my pj’s with my Macbook ready to write this months #LittleLoves. So – without further ado, here a few of my highlights from November. Read I had seen and added ‘The Little Book of Hygge‘ to my Amazon wishlist many moons ago but wasn’t willing to part for £9.99 for the pleasure. Whilst at work, I had the chance to …
Welcome to this week’s #MySundaySnapshot post, which is part of a snap-sharing-blog-linky series that you are very welcome to join. Click here for further information and guidelines upon this linky should you wish to take part. Despite the sniffly noses and hacking coughs, we got ourselves out to the local Dickensian Festival this weekend. Having finally found a parking space we tootled into town to take a look at the local stalls and shops. Paul and I had a mulled wine or two whilst the kids enjoyed the fairground rides and attractions which were dotted around the town. Once we’d seen everything we felt we …