Welcome to this week’s #MySundaySnapshot post, which is part of a snap-sharing-blog-linky series that you are very welcome to join. Click here for further information and guidelines upon this linky should you wish to take part. And so here it is, the final #MySundaySnapshot post of 2023. It has been a real rollercoaster of a year with some huge ups and sadly some massive downs but here we are, it’s the end of December and what better way to look back on the year than to share my best bits… our trip to my ‘happy place’ aka Florida. After two years of planning and preparation, …
Welcome to this week’s #MySundaySnapshot post, which is part of a snap-sharing-blog-linky series that you are very welcome to join. Click here for further information and guidelines upon this linky should you wish to take part. “Some of us fall by the wayside And some of us soar to the stars And some of us sail through our troubles And some have to live with the scars There’s far too much to take in here More to find than can ever be found But the sun rollin’ high Through the sapphire sky Keeps great and small on the endless round” The Circle of Life – …
Having spent the fortnight in Florida filling my iPhone with masses of photo and video footage I finally put together a video montage of our time out in Orlando for our family and friends to watch should they wish to while away fifty minutes of their life….
Without a word of exaggeration, August 2023 has been one of the best and quite possibly the most expensive months of my life thus far. We’ve squeezed so much into the past thirty-one days or so it’s almost unthinkable but it’s been absolutely awesome. I only wish we could go back to the beginning of the month and do it all over again… Here are some of the things that we’ve #LikedandLoved this month. Florida Baby After two years of saving, spending, planning, and preparing we finally jetted off, care of TUI, to Florida for a fortnight’s holiday. We opted to …
August has got to have been one of the busiest and the best months that we as a family have ever experienced. We spent the first half of the month holidaying in the sunshine state of fabulous Florida. It was the most awesome, epic holiday that we have ever had filled with adventures, laughter, smiles, and many many memories all of which I’m certain will remain with us for a lifetime. We rather reluctantly returned to the UK just in time to celebrate not one but two birthdays thus have spent the past week enjoying days out with family and …