Welcome to My Five Favourite Monthly Moments aka #MFFMM. This series goes live on the last day of each month and celebrates five favourite moments from the month gone by. You are most welcome to participate by commenting on these posts or by sharing your own #MFFMM posts. Don’t forget to add the #MFFMM badge to your posts and drop the link to your post in the comments below. So without further ado, here are My Five Favourite Monthly Moments (#MFFMM) from November 2024 A Sparkling Sensation We enjoyed not just one but two fireworks displays this year, both of which …
It’s the end of yet another month and therefore time to write my monthly edition of #LittleLoves, a blog linky celebrating the little things in life. November may be shorter in terms of the days but by’eck it ain’t half dragged! Looking on the bright side, here are a few of my #LittleLoves from the past thirty or so days Read I’ve not really been in the mood to read of late which is a real shame as I’ve got one hell of a TBR (to be read) list on my Kindle at present. Ana Huang has just released her …
Welcome to this week’s #MySundaySnapshot post, which is part of a snap-sharing-blog-linky series that you are very welcome to join. Click here for further information and guidelines upon this linky should you wish to take part. We’ve been exceptionally lucky with the weather this week as it has remained fairly dry, and we’ve been able to attend not one but two fantastic fireworks displays in our local area. We kept warm wrapped up in our jackets whilst stood by the bonfire and the kids enjoyed lighting some sparklers and watching the fireworks as they danced through the sky. Thanks for reading my #MySundaySnapshot post, I look forward …
Though I usually list my top ten things that I’ve #LikedandLoved throughout the month, this past month has been difficult thus I’ve had to downsize somewhat and will therefore document my five favourite moments. Fabulous Fireworks Having armed ourselves with wooly hats, gloves, scarves, wellies, and obligatory sparklers, we took the kids to not just one but two awesome fireworks displays this year. There’s nothing quite like wrapping up warm and watching the sky light up with sparkles, pops, and bangs. A Snip Away Though my husband has his hair cut regularly, the kids and I don’t tend to bother …
Welcome to this month’s #LittleLoves post, which is part of a series that you are very welcome to join. I was contemplating as to whether to bother even writing this post this month as quite honestly, I’m finding it really difficult to see the positive in anything at present. It’s been an incredibly tough month and I don’t wish to elaborate any further on the details but, I’m struggling. Despite my struggles, I thought it worthwhile trying to find and document the ‘glimmers’ rather than ditching my monthly linky entirely, so here goes… Read I haven’t really read all that much …