Welcome to what will be my final post of My Five Favourite Monthly Moments linky. Whilst I’ve enjoyed writing this series each month throughout the past year, I’ve decided to bring it to a close as it was taking up a little too much time alongside my #LittleLoves linky at the end of each month. Whilst #MFFMM will be coming to an end, I will continue to celebrate the top three moments of each month within my monthly #LittleLoves posts so please feel free to drop by if you fancy participating. So without further ado, here are My Five Favourite …
family time
Sadly, August has come to an end, summer is no longer… School is about to start for September and whilst I’m not entirely sure as to whether or not I’m ready to commence with the chaos, the time is nigh. So without further ado, here are a few of the things which I have #LikedandLoved throughout August. Thirteen Years Wed As of this month, Paul and I have been married for thirteen years. It doesn’t feel like thirteen years have passed since we walked down the aisle but I guess time flies both when you’re having fun and when you’ve …
As part of the New Year I decided to take on some new challenges, one of which being the ‘Liked And Loved Linky‘ which I will be joining to share all the things that I have liked and loved throughout the month. I really like to reflect upon the positives in life, as you know I already list a few of my #LittleLoves each week, from now on I will be expanding this by creating a kind of ‘happy list’ towards the end of each month. So without further ado, here are the things that I have #LikedAndLoved in January. New Years …
It’s been a lonnnnnng week filled with appointments, commitments, chores and work not to mention keeping the kids entertained and fitting in a few hours of sleep here or there. This next week is probably going to be fairly similar in that Paul and I will once again be cramming a crap load of jobs into a small space of time whilst attempting to maintain peace in the camp. Life as a parent in the run up to Christmas is much like a clown riding a unicycle and then being thrown endless amounts of balls to juggle whilst keeping balance. …