It’s the little things which more often than not actually matter the most. This is especially so when it comes to the victories in life, it’s usually the little breakthroughs that seem to make the biggest difference. After six years of having what I can only describe as ‘tea time torture’, we’ve finally convinced our beloved daughter to give new foods a go. I can completely understand E’s fear of food, I myself am a fussy eater and am often reluctant to try new tastes. Although time has taught me that unless you’ve actually tried something, you never really know…
Its been a fairly uneventful Easter so far, whilst some of the fault for this lies with us for being far too relaxed rather than taking the kids here, there and everywhere as we normally do during the holidays. The main reason for our lazy outlook has been down to the weather. We would much rather stay in and keep warm and dry as the weather has been utter crud, we have had everything that the sky can throw at us from sunshine to rain to hail and even some flurries of snow for good measure! I thought it was…