So here we are at the end of June already, thirty days sure have flown by. Here are a few of the things that I have #LikedandLoved throughout the month. Half term holidays Though it feels like a lifetime ago now, the half-term holidays were the much-needed break that we all required in order to rest and recuperate. We specifically didn’t plan anything so that we could take the time to catch up with ourselves, though E and I spent a weekend at a local art workshop and we took the kids to the cinema mid-week to watch the latest …
Can you believe that we are at the end of June already?! Despite the pandemic making most days much like Groundhog Day, time sure seems to be whizzing by of late. It’s quite satisfying looking back at all that we’ve done over the past thirty days, so without further ado here are a few of the things which I have #LikedandLoved throughout June The Half Term Holidays Though it feels like a lifetime ago, half term was only three weeks back and we had such a great week. Not only did Paul and I manage to blast through a tonne …
Last week seemed to be the week of after-school appointments for both J & E with the hairdressers, dentist, after-school clubs, music lessons and so on. We were also meant to be going to swimming lessons on Sunday but then I fell poorly so that didn’t pan out as planned. There’s only so much I can do especially at present… Unlike the lads who have their hair cut every four-five weeks, it’s been eight months since E or I have had our hair cut. Though I’m yet to have the chop, E had her hair cut last week and whilst …
One thing is for sure – there is no place like home! You can fly all around the World, travel from coast to coast and holiday wherever you fancy but nothing beats home. Home is absolutely where the heart is, thus the kids and I have been more than happy spending this past week at home. We’ve probably spent far too much time in our pajamas but I’ve rather enjoyed the lazy mornings, it’s done us all the world of good. The kids have entertained themselves with board games, drum practice, baking, and watching movies, whilst I’ve got on with …