Sadly, August has come to an end, summer is no longer… School is about to start for September and whilst I’m not entirely sure as to whether or not I’m ready to commence with the chaos, the time is nigh. So without further ado, here are a few of the things which I have #LikedandLoved throughout August. Thirteen Years Wed As of this month, Paul and I have been married for thirteen years. It doesn’t feel like thirteen years have passed since we walked down the aisle but I guess time flies both when you’re having fun and when you’ve…
Parking on our driveway has never been all these easy, don’t get me wrong there’s plenty of room for two cars but it’s quite a tight fit and with other cars parked here, there and everywhere, we’re often left with very little room to maneuver and I’m always worried that one of us (most likely myself) could catch the wall and damage one of the cars. Four years or so ago I was rushing to collect E from a taster day at what was to be her new primary school, in my haste I managed to misjudge where the wall…