Here we are, halfway through the year from hell – what I’d do to wake up one morning and to discover that the past six months have been nothing but a nightmare, sadly that’s not the case and so I continue to try and look at the lighter side of things. So without further ado, here are some of the things which I have #LikedandLoved throughout June. Fun In The Sun Every now and then (like once in a blue moon) us Northerners get to see the yellowy-orangy ball in the sky and though it’s often hidden behind a cloud, …
download festival
Where on earth is the time going to of late? It’s the last Friday of June already and here we are once again reflecting upon some of the brighter moments from the month gone by. Read I’ve spent the past month with my nose firmly wedged between the cover of many books and as mentioned last month – I downloaded some sample copies (the first few chapters) of Melissa Cynova’s ‘Kitchen Table Tarot’, Michelle Tea’s ‘Modern Tarot’ and Bakara Wintner’s ‘WTF Is Tarot & How Do I Do It?’, all of which I’ve since purchased and have read from cover …