Disney has a lot to answer for as our daughter E is mad about anything mythical, whether it be fairies, unicorns or mermaids for that matter. E was therefore delighted to receive the ‘Baby Born Little Sister Mermaid Doll’ from Zapf Creation to rate and review for my readers. The Baby Born Little Sister Mermaid Doll Being the typical ‘girly girl’, E enjoys spending time playing with her dolls, especially those which have special tricks such as crying, babbling, urinating or even better, swimming! The Baby Born Little Sister Mermaid doll does precisely this which makes for the ideal …
Smart Is Apparently The New Cool With The Project Mc2 Camryn Doll & Nail Polish Experiments Set
As I’ve said many times before in past posts, our little lady E is rather taken with the concept of cosmetics. Whether its bath products, makeup, nail varnish, jewellery, accessories or fashion, E seems to have creative vision and flair for style. As my husband and I have firmly established E is a girly girl, a diva through and through, god help us when she hits the teenage years as no doubt she will cost us a fortune in cosmetics! As you can imagine E was therefore overjoyed when we were recently sent the ‘Project Mc2 Camryn Doll & Nail …
Magical & Realistic Role Play Rolled Into One With The Baby Born Wonderland Fairy Rider Doll
As a child I clearly remember having a number of dolls which I played with, to be honest I wasn’t that into baby style dolls as I wasn’t particularly maternal nor into babies whether they should be toys or real for that matter. E on the other hand seems to rather enjoy playing ‘Mummy’ to her dolls and as such we’ve collected a number of babies throughout the years which E will push around in prams, dress in various clothes and generally care for when she feels the urge. Last year we reviewed a rather plastic and fantastic Zapf Creation …