These past few months have been none-stop, we’ve done something almost every weekend and have found ourselves occupied with endless appointments, parties, meetings, after-school activities, clubs and goodness knows what else throughout the week. Both Paul and I are exhausted, I’m pretty sure that the kids feel likewise. Life is most definitely busy, I barely get time to blog these days although try my best to keep up wherever and whenever I can. We’ve enjoyed both days and nights out together as family, we’ve certainly played and partied hard. With it being the run up to Christmas, I highly doubt …
Another week has whizzed by at warp speed and I’m once again sat at my desk with my MacBook at the ready to share a few of my #LittleLoves from the past seven days or so. Read I have said time and time again that I’ll pick up a book and wedge my hooter that’ll be by nose chaps firmly into its pages but I simply haven’t had the time nor inclination to read much of anything. Unless reading bars of Music whilst learning to mix counts as ‘reading’ then I should really skip this section and move on… Watched Despite apparently …
I have been meaning to write-up our ‘Cheesefields’ shenanigans for the past week or so but haven’t found the time until now. In case you are wondering ‘Cheesefields’ is an annual gathering come mini-festival event which two of my good friends have hosted for a number of years now. Derived from the well-known ‘Creamfields’ festival, Cheesefields is a much smaller-scale back garden based event which we were very kindly added to the guest list for and invited to attend. Cheesefields may be small-scale but the planning and effort put into organising and planning said event takes many weeks and a …
For those of you who are thirty-something like myself you will know precisely why a biro pen could come in handy for a cassette tape. You may have also spent your weekends listening to the charts on the radio whilst having your fingers ready to press record on your cassette deck. I was one of those Music mad kids who would spend hours listening to the chart simply to record my favourite tracks and create a compilation of said songs which were often cut short by the radio presenter or worse adverts. Either way, I really enjoyed sitting and slicing …