June has been an incredibly busy but brilliant month all in all. We’ve done so much over the past thirty days that it’s quite exhausting to look back upon. Still, here are a few of the things that I have #LikedandLoved throughout the past month. The Half Term Holidays June began with the much-anticipated arrival of the half-term holidays. Though the weather wasn’t all that nor did we have a great deal planned, we certainly busied ourselves with various activities throughout the week and Paul and I finally caught up on a few of the garden chores ready for the …
covid 19
So here we are at the end of November already, Christmas is rapidly approaching and winter has most definitely arrived. Temperatures have plummeted to below freezing, thus I’m togged up keeping toasty warm in my fluffy, fleecy pyjamas as I write this. Though November isn’t a month that I usually favour, particularly this year as my family marked twelve months since my Fathers passing, I was pleasantly surprised by a few of the endeavours and events that I’ve partaken in. So without further ado, here are some of the things that I have #LikedandLoved throughout the past thirty days. Matchy …
So here we are, at the second half of the second academic term of the year still living in lockdown. Don’t get me wrong, I personally believe it’s much better for us to be staying safe at home than risking our health (and possibly our lives) by being out and about, but my goodness me, lockdown ain’t easy! I’m quite the organised soul and so keeping track of meetings, tasks, work set and all the things that the kids need to be getting on with whilst homeschooling is fine and dandy for me but I’m well aware that the kids …
Welcome to this week’s #MySundaySnapshot post, which is part of a snap-sharing-blog-linky series that you are very welcome to join. Click here for further information and guidelines upon this linky should you wish to take part. Whilst the majority of the UK are in mid-meltdown following the recent news regarding covid Christmas regulations, I couldn’t care less so long as my family are fit, healthy and happy. If this year has taught me anything, it’s that health is a priority and something which must always come first whatever the occasion. I’m well aware that people are desperate to see their family and to spend Christmas …
It’s official – lockdown 2.0 has started and is set to stay for the rest of the month. But while the first lockdown resulted in inevitable boredom, a baking banana bread compulsion, and fitness-related Tik Tok’s that make many people now shudder, that doesn’t mean that your second lockdown has to be the same. In fact, this second lockdown doesn’t have to leave you feeling bored on the sofa at all! If you have kids, having some time to yourself, in particular, is important, even essential, allowing you to be a better parent, partner, and even friend to your nearest …