Having made the decision that our family was complete following the birth of our beautiful daughter E almost four years ago, Paul and I have spent the past few years experimenting with a range of contraception methods including the pill. Originally back before trying for or having children I used to take Microgynon, a popular ‘combined contraception pill’ which suddenly seemed to sky-rocket in price or so I was told by my GP resulting in many women being offered a cheaper alternative, Rigevidon. Shortly after having my second child I was transferred onto Rigevidon which may well contain the same active ingredients…
I am incredibly lucky to have two beautiful children, in the words of Buzz Light Year I love them to infinity and beyond. I was blessed with having ‘one of each’ and that is simply lovely jubbly, I have the perfect balance, the perfect age gap and as far as I am concerned, the perfect family. Surrounded By Bumps & Babies It seems like I am surrounded by bumps and babies yet I feel nothing, not even the slightest emotion other than relief that I never have to go through all that again. I love our children dearly but two kids…