The effective design of a bathroom relies on a range of considerations, including not just the aesthetic, but the practical. As well as being a comfortable, bright, and welcoming space, you want your bathroom to be clean, as well. While this will depend on how much time you’re willing to spend cleaning it, it will also depend largely on how easy the bathroom is to clean. Here, we’re going to look at how you can make it easier to clean in a variety of ways. Float things off the floor This is a trend that has been becoming more popular …
I’m not sure whether it’s just us but Christmas seems to leave our living room looking much like a disaster zone. Having watched the kids unwrap and open their piles of parcels, I almost instantly set about clearing the clutter by arranging their gifts into one area, I just cannot cope with the mess you see. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind the kids having their toys out to play with for a day or two, after all, that’s what Christmas is all about. Whilst it drives my darling husband stir crazy, I just can’t sit in a sitting …
School is officially out for the summer, well to be precise we finished on Tuesday afternoon but it’s taken me until now to find the time and motivation to sit with my Macbook or to do anything other than doss on the decking or plod around the park with the kids. I haven’t spent the entire week lazing on my lounger as earlier this week I managed to get a few things done around the house including gutting the garage, collecting together books, games and clothes for charity bags, sorting through two years worth of children’s art work, rearranging the …
Theres something incredibly satisfying about cleaning the entire house top to bottom, tidying everything to within an inch of its life and after three hours of hard graft then heading for a hot shower followed by a long soak in the tub. It’s like having a workout without the DVD or the exercise class, that and after a few hours hard work I now have a clean house, it wont last for long I’m sure as the kids are due home from School shortly. Between the children and the dog it’s almost impossible to keep a clean, tidy house for long. …
I’m not sure whether it’s just me but being the parent of two school aged children often leaves me feeling much like I am back at school myself. Having spent the afternoon reading with the kids in School I then returned home much-like a pack-horse loaded with bags, lunch boxes and coats whilst the children sailed indoors kicking their muddy shoes onto my freshly cleaned carpet whilst simultaneously demanding snacks, drinks and television before I could even get myself through the front door. I carefully placed the muddy shoes onto the kitchen sideboard ready for cleaning then chased my children …