So here we are at the end of another month and of another year. I am forever saying that ‘time flies’ but it truly does or at least it seems to once you have children. With it being Christmas there has been endless family festive fun, here are a few of the things which I have #LikedandLoved throughout December. Advent I’ve always enjoyed a good countdown, whether it’s counting down the months, weeks, days or even hours to a particular event, Christmas is no different. As a kid, I remember having an advent calendar, it may not have contained chocolate …
christmas play
With just two days to go before Christmas, the kids are (as we’d expected) bouncing off the walls with excitement. This time last week, however, the kids were still busy rehearsing for their Christmas play, what was J’s last ever performance in Primary School. Despite the lump in my throat, I managed to hold back most of the tears though let me assure me that it wasn’t easy. After seven years of watching my little man perform on the same stage, watching his final performance was somewhat emotional. Our Little Elf Both J & E rocked the stage, J was …