So here we are, at the end of yet another year. I’ll be honest – I’ll be quite happy to see the back of 2022. Saying that there have been some good times, just not quite enough of them sadly. Speaking of the good times, here are some of the things that I have #LikedandLoved throughout December. The White Stuff December saw the UK being blasted by the ‘big freeze’ with temperatures dropping to minus ten in some places. Though it’s nothing in comparison to the likes of the USA, it was still flipping freezing! The kids were delighted to …
christmas day
So here we have it, the end of another month and what has been the worst year of my life thus far. I can’t say I’ll be sad to see the back of 2020 but neither am I all that excited about 2021 as I’m not entirely sure that it’s going to be all that much better… I’ll try to steer away from being ‘Nora Neggy’ and point more towards being ‘Peggy Positive’, so without further ado here a few of the things which I have #LikedandLoved through December. Advent & The Return of Rocko the Elf December marked the …