If you are trying to find your ideal career, there are certain steps you need to take that will help you to make the right choices. Whilst your career should not define who you are, it certainty will play a prominent role in helping to shape your life and your future, and will impact things like your health and happiness. In the modern world, there are so many different career paths that you can make, and this is something that you need to make the most of. There are plenty of factors that play a role in helping you to…
What’s next? It’s a question that I ask myself continuously throughout life, especially over the past five years or so. You’d think that by the fabulous age of forty, I’d have life figured out. Sadly, this isn’t so and despite having a wonderful husband and two amazing children, I still find myself wondering what exactly my purpose on this planet may be. At present life is a bit like a rather large jigsaw purchased from the local charity shop with an unusual amount of pieces missing from the box. I haven’t got a clue what I want to do when…
You’re likely reading this blog post today because you want to secure a well-paying customer service job. Such roles often pay little above minimum wage, but it’s not hard to find jobs that offer decent financial rewards. If you want to forge, switch to or continue a career in customer services but you want to earn a comfortable living from your job, this handy guide will help you achieve that goal. Take a look at the following five strategies to help you improve your chances of landing well-paid customer service jobs: 1. Revamp Your CV Firstly, reviewing your CV and…
Do you feel as though you are not progressing as quickly as you could? Maybe you feel as though your professional development is lacking and you just don’t know what to do about it. Either way, if this sounds like you then it’s important to know if the problem lies with you as a professional, or if it lies with the job that you have. When you are able to pinpoint the source of the issue, you can then begin to work toward a solution. Your Wisdom is not Welcome If nobody is even interested in whatever it is you…
Are you fed up feeling like you are not getting anywhere with your current career or do you want to move up the ladder? Here is a guide that gives you a few ideas on how to find something better or get that promotion that you have been dreaming about. Undertake Training If you want to make yourself better and more appealing to potential employers then undertake further training to give yourself an advantage. You might fancy a total career change so you will have to do some training and study for the new direction you are going. You might…