Maybe your last camping trip was rainy and cold, and it took you five hours to put up a two-man tent. We’ve all been there. But you can make camping more pleasurable with these tips. Take Some Useful Items with You Your camping experience will only be as good as how well you prepare. So along with your essentials such as tents and sleeping bags, you need some extra useful items. These include cooking accessories, fire lighting equipment, and insect repelling equipment. Low-cost things like this can make your experience all the more pleasurable. Or, if you know someone who …
July has been one of the hottest months in the UK that I think I have ever experienced, as expected though the weather seemed to wane the moment that the summer holidays actually arrived. July has also been an incredibly busy month for my family and I. I feel as if we’ve barely had the time to stop for a second. Thankfully the summer holidays have now arrived and we can finally catch up on the mound of jobs which have been left waiting for far too long. To celebrate the summer and to highlight the ‘positive points’ from the past …
This time last night, Paul and I were huddled around a campfire with our good friends Vicky, Mike, Lisa and Paddy. It was rather comfy sat in my camp chair, head tilted back looking through the trees into the night sky. The stars were gleaming as there was next to no light pollution whatsoever and it was then that I noticed a rather slow-moving but spectacular shooting star. It’s been years since I’ve seen a shooting star and whilst I should have made a wish, I opted to simply enjoy the moment and to watch the night sky in its …
Earlier this year I had the pleasure of meeting a rather wonderful couple from Tasmania who have since our close friends. Patrick and Lisa are two of the kindest, wittiest and most understanding people I have ever come across, along with our fellow friends Mike and Vicky, we have shared some fantastic times together as a group and have made some wonderful memories all of which I will forever treasure. We had planned to travel to a bothy for a weekend as a group but with having the kids, the dogs and everything else which seems to go with life …