Happy New Year and welcome to this month’s #LittleLoves post, which is part of a series that you are very welcome to join. Whilst January has been a bit of a wet, windy, and wild month in terms of the weather, we’ve tried our best to stay dry, warm, and cosey shielded away from the worst of it. Here are a few of my #LittleLoves from the past month whilst I’ve been ‘hermiting’ indoors… Read The Sunday Times will forever be associated with memories of my late Father, it was the one newspaper that he insisted on having every week …
call the midwife
Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November. All the rest have thirty-one bar February with twenty-eight or twenty-nine days dependent on the leap year and January which seems to have three thousand… January sure has dragged, I’m aware that people often refer to this particular month as ‘the blue month’ and I can absolutely see why! Though the glass seems more than half empty at this point, I’ve managed to scrape together some positive points from the past however many days (it feels like January has gone on forever) so without any further waffle, here are some of my #LittleLoves …
So here it is, the final Friday of December 2022. Another year has passed us by and whilst I’d love to tell you that it’s been a good one, I’m still trying to process and make sense of much of it. Whilst I’m a fan of even numbers (I’m sure I have some form of OCD) I can’t say likewise for the years which have been ‘even’ in number. Let’s take 2020 for example; it was meant to be the year of clarity, clear vision, and Worldwide success yet we all know how that ended… 2022 was similar in some …
So there we have it, another month has flown by in the blink of an eye and here we are rounding up the positive points from the past couple of weeks. I’ll be honest, finding the positives in the World that we live in at present is challenging but absolutely necessary otherwise I think I’d be overwhelmed. So without further waffling here are a few of my #LittleLoves from February. Read It probably won’t surprise you to hear that, like many at present, my current reading seems to consist of endless updates from the BBC News app. Whilst I’m half …
Is it just me or does January drag on for what feels like forever? January has never been one of my favoured months, especially not this year as our household seems to have spent the majority of the month suffering and recovering from various ailments. Thankfully, we are now on the mend and I’m hoping that February will bring us all a fresh start. Despite the dismal and rather dreary outlook, here are a few of my #LittleLoves from the past month. Read Rather than actually reading just one book, I’ve spent the past month flicking through various books including …