The build is coming along really well, the lads are working their little socks off and I am really impressed with how far they have come. It won’t be long before we have a whole new bedroom with ensuite and I cannot wait to get started on decorating. “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything” – George Bernard Shaw With the new room will come lots of changes for us all, Firstly we will move across the corridor into a whole new room with an en suite, a total novelty for …
It’s been a fortnight since the builders began working on our extension. There have been many people that have commented on how quickly things seem to be coming together, whereas I am quietly tapping my fingers willing things to speed up a little more. I realise that Rome wasn’t built in a day but I wish it could have been! I don’t mind the builders being around, I don’t even mind the endless cups of tea and biscuits. I do however mind being cut off from my utility room and therefore having to undergo an assault course each and every time I …