Welcome to the final #LittleLoves post for 2024. #LittleLoves is a monthly post and is part of a series/ linky which you are very welcome to join should you fancy sharing the highlights from your month. For the past year, I have also been hosting the #MyFiveFavouriteMonthlyMoments linky aka #MFFMM. However, I have decided to bring that particular series to a close as I don’t have the time to complete two monthly round-ups. As of January 2025, I will be extending the #LittleLoves linky to include ‘And Lastly, My Top Three Moments from the Month’ which will reduce my workload …
February has very quickly come to a close and though it’s the shortest month of the year it seems to have been the busiest so far for us. Here are a few of the things that we have #LikedandLoved throughout the past twenty-odd days. Eighteen Years Together Paul and I celebrated eighteen years together this month. It really doesn’t feel like eighteen years since we went out on our first date but time obviously flies when you’re having fun. Valentines Day As usual, Paul and I celebrated Valentine’s Day a day earlier than most (as it merges with our anniversary). …