Back at the beginning of Autumn I created a bucket list of sorts outlining all of the things which I wished to do during my favourite season of the year. I thought I’d take the time to look back at my list and to ‘tick off’ all the things that I achieved throughout Autumn and then make a start on putting together a similar list ready for the winter. To go out for a meal with friends Although Paul and I haven’t been out with friends as planned I did manage to squeeze in some lunch with the ladies …
Blog On
It’s officially the last day of September and once again time for me to write-up the things that I have ‘Liked and Loved’ throughout the past month. It’s been a busy month for many reasons, I for one feel as if I’ve barely had time to breathe there’s been that much going on, here’s hoping October is a little less ‘chaotic’ but given the amount of bookings that we have for various gigs, parties and such-like that is highly doubtful! So without further ado, here are a few of the things that I have ‘Liked and Loved‘ throughout September 2017. …
This past week seems to have been endless and as a result both Paul and I are utterly exhausted. Please therefore excuse my lack of enthusiasm whilst writing this weeks #LittleLoves post but following a busy day at work, a heart wrenching conversation with the vet and a much-appreciated visit from my folks I am feeling a little worse for ware. I suppose the best way to beat a bad day is to focus on the positives and to think ‘happy thoughts’ so what better than to write my #LittleLoves from the week? Read I’ve actually made time for my ‘Inbox’ this week …
As you may have already read in past posts I travelled down early on Sunday morning to Old Trafford in Manchester to take part in one of the UK’s biggest Blogger/ Vlogger events ‘Blog On Xmas‘. The Hotel Football Having arrived early I found parking on a nearby street and hauled my oversized suitcase into The Hotel Football where I was given a pre-printed name badge, stickers and a canvas bag in which to collect brand samples throughout the day. After becoming accustomed to the layout of the Hotel I found somewhere to stick my luggage then made my way down …
After what I can only describe as a whirlwind of a weekend both the kids and us adults are utterly exhausted. It was literally a none-stop till you drop couple of days, our routine went straight out of the window and whilst we each had great fun it felt rather unusual and I wasn’t too keen on being apart from my kids nor my husband for that length of time. Paul left early on Saturday morning for his brothers stag party in Sheffield whilst I kept the kids entertained until later that evening. Having work myself I then left the kids for …