It doesn’t seem like five years since I first began writing a blog. So much has changed since back then, the world and my life as I once knew it is completely different. Though I’d love to go back five years and to spend time with my family and friends who are no longer here for one reason or another, I know that the only way to go is forward. Though I love writing and have always enjoyed having a blog, it makes it all the better when I receive feedback and support from readers, friends, family, and other bloggers. …
blog birthday
Apologies for the late post but for one reason or another, things aren’t quite as they should be at present thus my blog may be a little quieter for the short term. Today just so happens to be my ‘fourth blog birthday’! It doesn’t really feel like four years since I first created this here blog and wrote my first post – time flies I guess!
It doesn’t feel as if I’ve been blogging for two years but as of today this blog is officially two years old! I’ve had an amazing twenty-four months of blogging, I never really expected for my writing to amount to anything other than perhaps a couple of comments from family and friends. Whilst my blog isn’t particularly popular in comparison with others online I try not to compare nor to take statistics or numbers to heart as popularity nor point scoring is the reason for which I blog. I blog simply because I enjoy writing, that and I feel that I …