Welcome to a brand new year of #LittleLoves, a monthly linky series celebrating the positive points in life including a brand new section ‘My top three moments from the month gone by’. You are more than welcome to tag along and join in either by writing and sharing your own blog posts (that you can add to the linky party at the bottom of the page) or simply by commenting below. Without further ado, here are my #LittleLoves from January 2025. Read I’ve certainly utilised my Kindle Unlimited membership this month and have somehow managed to wade my way through …
I would have written this post earlier today but after stupidly attempting to open a bottle using a pair of kitchen scissors, I’ve spent the majority of my evening sat in A&E having my thumb cleaned, stuck back together and dressed. I wouldn’t mind but we’d literally just walked back into house following the fifty minute drive back from town, then moments later had to head straight back towards Barrow, leaving the kids with their Grandparents which wasn’t exactly the Saturday night that I had planned. I was hoping to carry on as usual but following stern advice to keep …
The weekend is once again upon us, I can’t say that I’ve got the Friday feeling as I am fully aware that it’s going to be one hell of a busy weekend with one thing or another. Anyhow, getting back onto topic and looking at things from with a positive perspective, here are my #LittleLoves from the past seven days. Read In terms of physical books I cannot say I’ve read much of anything over the past week. It’s been all about the Bailie, Natasha Bailie that is and her venture away from Channel Mum into the World of working autonomously without restrictions. …
Welcome back to #LittleLoves, it’s been a week since we arrived back to reality and back home after our holiday in Benidorm. It feels like forever since we were relaxing on our sun beds in the Spanish sun with our lovely friends by the poolside. Whilst it is still the ‘summer holidays’ it feels nothing like summer thanks to the rather dismal weather up here in Cumbria. The past seven days has been far from exciting in comparison to a super holiday the week prior to this, I am finding that the holiday blues has a lot to answer for! You may find this weeks …
It’s time to get back into the swing of this blogging malarky. Since we came home from our much-needed break in Benidorm we’ve done nothing but give the washing machine a hard time and play catch-up with all things extension related. I haven’t really had the time nor inclination to sit down with my MacBook as of yet. I am still in holiday mode but without the all-inclusive and banging tunes by the poolside. I wish I was back there giggling at the lads going ‘bucket diving’ for E’s Frozen bucket and enjoying some cold ones with our new-found friends Dannika, Cian …