I seem to have lost all sense of time of late – I’m forever checking the day, and the date to check where I am in the month and by’eck May sure flew by quickly! To celebrate what was a very short-lived month, here are a few of my #LittleLoves from the past few weeks. Read It’s high time that I stopped promising myself that I’ll read a book each month. Though I read physical books with my children on a daily basis, my own reading tends to be screen-based these days; whether it’s the news, or online articles (which …
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Though I adore autumn, I’ll openly admit that I’m not the biggest fan of September as a month as it just seems to drag somehow. Whether it’s the return to routine following a lengthy summer holiday or just the change in the weather, I’m not sure but I’m always happy to see September come to a close. On a positive note, here are just a few of the things that I have #LikedandLoved throughout the past month. Loving The Living Room After having wood-effect flooring laid throughout the kitchen and the living room, I felt that we needed warmth in …
I’ve never been a big fan of September as a month, it’s just so busy, chaotic, and everything seems to change all at once what with the school year starting and the seasons suddenly changing. However, it’s always worth finding the positives in life and so here are a few of my #LittleLoves from the past month. Read Other than textbooks and various planning resources I’ve read next to nothing this month as I just haven’t had the time to do anything other than chase my own tail so it seems. At some point, I must pick up a book …