Here we are, halfway through the year from hell – what I’d do to wake up one morning and to discover that the past six months have been nothing but a nightmare, sadly that’s not the case and so I continue to try and look at the lighter side of things. So without further ado, here are some of the things which I have #LikedandLoved throughout June. Fun In The Sun Every now and then (like once in a blue moon) us Northerners get to see the yellowy-orangy ball in the sky and though it’s often hidden behind a cloud, …
beach walks
As promised, here I am again sharing my selected snapshots from the week as it’s Monday aka Living Arrows linky day. As I explained in my previous ‘LA’post, I will be sharing two of my favourite photos from the week each and every Monday. So here goes… It’s not often I manage to capture the kids together, whilst sometimes they may both feature in a shot, it’s very rare that they are still enough for long enough to snap a decent picture of together, never mind with them both looking towards the camera. This particular picture is not only one …