We have a whole heap of fun in this household but one of the best times during the day has to be ‘bath time’ as the children not only have fun but seem far more at ease as they are able to relax in the warm water. It is usually at bath time that J will finally tell us all about his day, I’m not sure whether he saves it until then to spill the beans or whether by 8pm he’s had enough time to process the day and is finally able to share it with us. Either way, I …
bath time
After what I can only describe as a whirlwind of a weekend both the kids and us adults are utterly exhausted. It was literally a none-stop till you drop couple of days, our routine went straight out of the window and whilst we each had great fun it felt rather unusual and I wasn’t too keen on being apart from my kids nor my husband for that length of time. Paul left early on Saturday morning for his brothers stag party in Sheffield whilst I kept the kids entertained until later that evening. Having work myself I then left the kids for …
Welcome to this weeks edition of #LivingArrows, a weekly post in which I share a photo or two of my children. These weekly posts give me the chance to record fond memories of my children as they grow which I can look back upon in years to come. I have been a bit lax on the old photography recently with one thing or another. I will get my snap-happy mojo back no doubt when the sun starts shining and I have more chance to stand back and photograph the kids as they play. It’s easy to forget to take photos when you are in …
The Daily Grind Most days by bath time I am completely exhausted, that includes the days when I am working evening shifts till gone ten o’clock. Despite having the day off from work Mondays are always fairly full on. After ferrying the kids to and fro from Nursery, School and Karate lessons then ensuring Homework is complete and the house is in one piece I am usually pretty knackered come nine o’clock. Today has been exceptionally busy with the usual Monday madness along with the added extras of a meeting at my son’s school, a Doctors appointment, waiting at the pharmacy and then …