As far as I’m concerned, today simply didn’t happen. The past twenty-four hours have utterly sucked from start to finish and as much as I try to look on the bright side, there ain’t no silver lining on this cloudy day. It all began late last night when my husband alerted me to the fact that our washing machine was no longer. I wasn’t entirely sure how to wash and dry three loads without a machine and so called upon our good friend to assist us in repairing said lemon. Unfortunately, he was unable to drop by until today, leaving …
bad day
I have been meaning to sit and write a personal post for some time now but can never word myself correctly. No matter how hard I try I still find that I am unable to outline my emotions clearly. As tempting as it may be to sit and rant about all the little things which eat away at me each day, the internet isn’t really place to air my dirty laundry nor to whinge about life as it is. I will however let you into a little secret, my life is far from perfect and there are times when quite frankly I’d like …
Let it be tomorrow already, Jesus Christ what a day! I woke up early, the sun was shining and I had numerous things to get done all of which I assumed would be fairly easy to achieve, WRONG! I kept E off Nursery for the day so that I could take her to the local GP for some advice on her recurrent coughing and spluttering. The GP no longer operates normal appointments and I was advised to attend a ‘walk in’ clinic between 9.30am and 11.30am. I arrived early and found myself in a queue stretching to the outside doors, …