August has certainly flown by, it’s been busy, busy, busy in our household with holidays, birthdays, celebrations, meals out, trips away and family visits. We’ve not really had much time to stop, that’s kind of how I like it though! Here’s some of my #LittleLoves from the past month… Read Forgive me for I have sinned, I haven’t read a single book this month. I’ve flicked through plenty of magazines, blog articles and such-like, but haven’t picked up a book as I’ve just been way too busy! I have however been reading books to the children before bed; J is …
august 2019
These two beauties are my world, they are my everything. They too are very lucky as they have such a special sibling bond, they may bicker from time to time but they also support and encourage each other through the ups, the downs and everything in between. As brothers and sisters go, these two are a pretty perfect pair. I cannot express how lucky we are to have such beautiful little ones. We all too often take life for granted, it’s certainly worth remembering just how precious life is. Life is fragile – it’s a gift thus treat it as …