Mobiles really are everywhere. It seems at times that nearly every child out there has a mobile phone, so when the time does come for your child to ask you for a phone, you may be under a lot of pressure to say yes. It’s important to understand that your child having a phone does not mean that they are in any danger, but it does mean that as a parent, you need to be aware of the risks that having a phone can pose if you don’t take the right steps in ensuring your child’s safety. Contacting Others When …
Welcome to this weeks edition of the ‘Blogging Behind The Scenes’ series. Throughout the ‘Blogging Behind The Scenes’ series both myself and a group of bloggers will be sharing our experiences and advice upon a range of blogging related topics, this week we are discussing apps which bloggers simply couldn’t be without. Given that we all have Smart phones these days it’s hardly surprising that we’ve become dependent upon Technology and of course the many apps which enable us to do almost anything we so desire at the click of a button or should I say the tap of a screen? There …
Like most children these days my kids love their tablets and I’m not referring to the daily dosage of vitamin supplements that I sneak into their food. Tablet Time Whilst I don’t mind the kids using the IPads for educational and entertainment purposes I certainly have some strict rules and regulations when it comes to limiting their time and the content on their tablets. I keep a very close eye on what the kids are playing, viewing and using on their tablets as I am more than aware of the dangers of technology these days. Thankfully I’ve found that there in fact are …