With it being a soggy, wet summer, we’ve spent a fair amount of time entertaining ourselves indoors. Whilst I allow the children a short amount of ‘tech time’ (time on their tablets, consoles or laptop) each day, I’m very conscious of their screen time and try to keep it to a minimum, thus the kids are asked to find alternative entertainment. It’s all very well asking them to play with something else, until that ‘something else’ happens to require an app to control or to power said toy/ game. For example, E quite enjoys playing with her Furby that has …
Prior to Christmas Paul and I had spent time looking at gift ideas, one of which screamed out to us as the perfect present for our geeky little guy. Vector, Anki’s most recent release appeared to be a terrific piece of tech with cuteness overload. Sadly though, Vector was far above our budget and we therefore looked elsewhere at alternative options. Having ordered and received a ‘Boxer’ we then fell upon an Amazon error – Vector was being advertised at less than half price, it seemed too good to be true. Without thinking we bit the bullet and ordered out …