For most children, a pet is their first true taste of responsibility. They are in charge of another living thing and they have to be vigilant and consistent in their care. It’s a great life lesson for children and it’s best to have them learn it, very early on. When they are 5 or 6, ask them what kind of pet they would like? When they sound as if they are really enthusiastic about the idea, explain what kind of responsibilities it will entail. The feeding patterns must be consistently done. They’ll need to clean their pet and spend time …
Like the rest of the UK, we are currently in lockdown and having been isolated for almost a fortnight now, cabin fever is beginning to set in. The kids have kept themselves busy with homeschooling activities, baking, painting, drawing, board games, movies and of course their beloved technology, which for once I’m quite thankful for. In order to battle the boredom, I’ve been sure to keep a bank of resources set aside for those moments when the kids don’t quite know what to do with themselves, one of which is a ten-minute test both upon your eyes and your knowledge …
Whether you’ve owned a dog for years or you’re considering bringing one into your home, one of the most important things you have to do is ensure you’re keeping it happy. Whilst they’re naturally very happy animals, there are lots of different things you can do to ensure they’re living the best possible life they can. From giving them regular treats to playing with them for at least half an hour a day, your dog will be forever grateful that you’re loving and caring for them on a daily basis. With that in mind, here are 15 every dog needs …
Everybody knows that having a baby affects your household. The quirky minimalist decor you used to cherish changes dramatically to make room for all the baby gear you need. Besides, you have to baby-proof sharp corners, sockets, electric cables, and cabinets that contain chemical products. But what only a few realise is that adopting a pet demands just as much household transformations. Indeed, if you are to keep your furry friend healthy and satisfied, you need to make sacrifices in your decor, style and even lifestyle. So, if you’ve fallen in love with a pup with a charming personality and …
Being a Mum that likes to be prepared, I tend to keep a few things hidden in my handbag which will keep the kids happy or at least ‘entertained’ whilst out and about. Whilst I’d love to carry a clutch bag, over time I’ve come to accept that since having kids that will never be the case. There would simply not be the room for the wipes, games, figures and fidget spinners that I find myself carrying around, never mind my phone, vape, makeup, comb or wallet! For that reason I adore compact card games which are small in size, …