So it’s the end of April already, it seems it was yet another month that flew by at lightning speed though it wasn’t half bad all in all. Here are a few of my #LittleLoves from the past thirty days or so. Read Given that I spent the first half of this month reading through a mountain of GCSE coursework, I’ve tended to stay clear of further books or texts for the time being. I have however purchased a couple of Textiles-based books which I am sure I will put to use shortly, though I’ve opted to give myself a …
And just like that, my husband turned the grand age of forty. Paul was woken with cards and gifts including new Etnie shoes, new Croc slippers, a bottle of his beloved Jack Daniels, a huge box of beers, a Toblerone, and a large bar of Mini Egg Chocolate. We later celebrated with an evening sharing a takeaway with family and Paul got to blow out his candles (and the signage on his cake as I somehow managed to set that alight whilst carrying the masterpiece to the table) We plan to continue the celebrations by visiting the Chill Factor for …
Welcome to this week’s #MySundaySnapshot post, which is part of a snap-sharing-blog-linky series that you are very welcome to join. Click here for further information and guidelines upon this linky should you wish to take part. My amazing husband turns forty this weekend. To mark the occasion we enjoyed a romantic getaway in Edinburgh last weekend and this week we are planning to enjoy a family takeaway and a day out to Manchester’s Chill Factor where we’re hoping to have some fun playing in the white stuff with the kids. I’m currently up to my elbows in chocolate cake, icing, and birthday banners thus haven’t …