This time last year I wrote a goals list for 2021, and as I do every year, I’m now taking a moment to look back and reflect on the goals that I set for myself in 2021 and to determine whether or not I achieved any of my aspirations. So without further ado, here goes… 1) Read more books Oh, I really ought to have done this but I just didn’t have the time! 2) Spend more time outside in the fresh air Thanks to having a hot tub I’ve spent most evenings enjoying the outdoors whilst gazing at the …
If you are coming into 2021 feeling a little blue, you aren’t alone. Although most of us are glad that 2020 is behind us, 2021 presents a whole new set of challenges which act as a continuation of 2020’s difficulties. While the new year is usually a time for feeling refreshed, optimistic and rejuvenated for the year ahead, many of us don’t feel that way this year. While there isn’t much we can do about the state of the world other than take care of ourselves and those around us, there are ways to give ourselves the pick-me-up we deserve. …
Happy new year and welcome to 2021, a year that we can only hope and pray will be better than it’s predecessor. I would say that ‘it can’t be any worse’ but I’ll edge on the side of caution and keep my lips firmly closed and my fingers tightly crossed… I would usually write a post reflecting upon the past year’s bucket list and commenting as to whether I’d achieved my goals or otherwise. However, given that I’ve spent almost the entirety of last year living in lockdown, I shan’t bother, as I’m sure you are well aware that like …