Prior to becoming a parent leaving the house was a fairly simple task, I casually slipped on some clothes, threw on some makeup, grabbed my handbag, phone and keys and I was ready to rock and roll out of the door within minutes.
Following having children I very quickly realised that leaving the house was no longer a simple task, it now required great amounts of planning, packing and precise scheduling to be within a chance of leaving the house at all never mind arriving at my planned destination within time.
Thankfully as the kids have got older things seems to have become that bit easier, they no longer require me to carry mass amounts of equipment. Other than drinks which the kids drink like fish whilst out, snacks, a pack of wipes and my own essentials I no longer need to load myself up like a pack-horse.
As the kids tend to drink a fair amount I usually tend to carry two large water bottles for each of the children but often neglect to pack a drink for myself. Isn’t that always the way? Us parents put so much effort into getting it right for our kids that we neglect ourselves in the process!
Miu Color
I was recently sent a ‘Miu Color Glass Water Bottle’ to review, this arrived very promptly along with two sponges, an extender handle and a silicon case.
Miu Color are a global retailer of premium home and personal goods founded in San Jose, California in 2009. Their product lines range from home decor and office supplies to kitchen appliances and outdoors or travel accessories.
I am well aware that I should drink far more than I currently do, I was planning on purchasing one of those bottles with messages of encouragement printed along the measure but since using the Miu Color Glass Water bottle I have realised that this is a far superior product to the average drinks bottle.
Get A Grip!
Miu Color Water bottles are made from eco-friendly, shatter resistant borosilicate glass which is free from BPA, PVC, plastic and lead. I must admit that I was dubious as to whether a glass water bottle may suit my lifestyle given that I am the Queen of Clumsy. However, the Miu Color water bottle comes with an stylishly designed, anti-slip, silicone sleeve (available in a range of colours) to aid grip. Miu Color also offer a free six month warranty should any breakages occur.
Ideal Wherever and Whenever
The Miu Color water bottle is ideal for use both indoors and outdoors, whether you are cooking in the kitchen or relaxing around the camp fire. The vacuum sealed lid of the bottle also features a small handle ideal for slipping onto a pram hook or such like. I’ve found that this is particularly useful for keeping the bottle upright whilst travelling.
Two sponges and an extender handle are also included with each of the Miu Color water bottles, these sponges come in really handy for ensuring that the bottles can be cleaned thoroughly after use.
Purchasing & Pricing
Priced at only £12.99, the Miu Color water bottle is available in a range of colours direct from
Drink Like A Diva
Since making use of the Miu Color water bottle I’ve found that I drink a lot more whilst out and about and as a result I feel a whole lot better in myself. I’ve used the Miu Color water bottle both for hot and cold drinks both of which have been kept in tip-top condition retaining temperature accordingly.
I was a little worried about carrying a large chunk of glass around with me but have found that the anti-slip silicone sleeve along with the carry handle has saved me from disaster so far.
To Summarise
I would certainly recommend Miu Color water bottles, they are high quality, stylish, functional and fairly priced. I will certainly continue to make use of my water bottle and may even look at purchasing a second bottle in the near future for my husband to use whilst at work.
For further information upon Miu Color water bottles and product ranges visit
Disclosure: I was sent the above product for the purpose of this post however all opinions are my own.
1 comment
These look really good, you mentioned how much longer it takes getting ready to go anywhere with children in tow, can you imagine how long it took for me when I was working as a child minder?, actually one of these bottles would have been great, as it would have just meant throwing a few plastic cups in a bag