So this happened rather unexpectedly after a short journey home from E’s Nana & Grandads house. It’s been a loooong time since E had a daytime nap and I am now sat in the kitchen wondering just what to do with the time that I have been graced with. So far I have managed to wash the pots from dinner and repaint my nails which is always nice but somehow I feel rather lost without having my little lady for company ordering me around for the afternoon.
Nap times seemed to come to an end when E was just over two years old, it seemed that E decided sleep was for wimps and marched on until at least 8pm before displaying any visible signs of tiredness.
I think J was just over three years old when he began dropping his naps and I remember finding it quite hard as I’d suddenly lost my two hours of freedom to get the housework done and now had to entertain a toddler whilst trying to complete the chores. E on the other hand seemed far easier when she stopped dreaming of a daytime as  she was so used to having to ‘be part of the routine’ with being the second child that she just joined in with the jobs really.
How old were your little ones when they stopped napping? Did you feel that you had ‘lost’ or ‘gained’ time? It’s a funny balance this Motherhood malarky, it’s all guilt one minute wondering if you are doing enough and gratitude the next when you finally get a break.
On that note I am going to package up a present to be sent ‘down south’ for my brother-in-laws 30th, hopefully I will be able to find something in the garage which will be suitable to wrap it all in. Once that’s done it will be back to twiddling my thumbs hoping the little lady is ready to rise.
I love the unexpected nap, so much can be achieved, my eldest stopped napping at one, even when she did nap it was only for twenty minutes, my new baby is the same. My son napped until he was three and for a good two hours, which was great because he was always full of beans #tuesdaytreasures
My little girl who is now 3 still naps, although I tried to distract her when she’s feeling tired in the afternoons, my reason being is come August she will be starting pre-school, so it’s advisable that she won’t get cranky whilst in school. Fingers crossed she get through the afternoon without naps by then. #TuesdayTreasures.
E starts nursery in September, she will go in the mornings and I wonder if she will want afternoon naps then lol
E starts nursery in September, she will go in the mornings and I wonder if she will want afternoon naps then lol
Ah the days of naps, now mine are teens, it’s rare they even get up before 4 in the afternoon, ever tried to have a family day out with teens, impossible!
4pm!!!? woah!!!
My son is 13 months and has just dropped down from 2 to 1 nap! I’m really missing my afternoon break, its such a long stretch from 1pm to bedtime, thank goodness DH comes home at 4:30! I can’t imagine not getting a break the whole day!! #tuesdaytreasures
It’ll happen before you know it sadly
Ah yes, I remember the loss of the nap well! All three of mine stopped napping (other than the odd bonus one) when they turned two. I can remember being very jealous of my sister who managed to get hers to nap until they were four!!
Four?? lucky sod!!
My eldest stopped napping at 19 months…. when his baby brother arrived. Lovely timing that was ha 😉 Whereas I have been known to squeeze in my own daytime nap at least once a week. Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix lovely
Stevie x