Life is hectic at present; I don’t often get the chance to sit and to write much of anything these days, apologies therefore if you may have found my blog to be a little bland of late. If I’m not busy working (which I’ve never been happier to do) then I’m either running around getting the kids or the house into shape, either that or chauffeuring one or the other child to or from their various after-school activities.
Don’t get me wrong, I much prefer being busy to feeling at a loose end; I am far happier when my mind is occupied than at rest. I have however put together a day-by-day list of the activities, chores and tasks which I need to complete over the next few months and having checked said list, I am occupied until at least August! I guess busy is better than bored – although I wouldn’t mind a tiny bit of boredom now and then just to allow my brain a little ‘down time’.
I have so much to look forward to over the next few months: birthday parties, outdoor pursuits, hen parties, weddings, comedy gigs, nights out with friends, holidays abroad, weekends away and of course the summer holidays which will be here before we know it.
Whilst I’m happy to be here, there and everywhere, there are only so many plates which I can juggle before one or more come crashing down and smash into smithereens. I have therefore put a stop to any further ‘dates for the diary’ as I don’t wish to spread myself too thinly.
My family come first, their needs are my priority. I simply cannot run around like a headless chicken trying to please everyone. I’ve spent years trying to tick everybody else’s boxes but my own, I simply don’t have the time, the energy nor the desire to do so anymore.