The weekend has finally arrived, it’s therefore time to party like an animal and to live it large. In my case however that animal would be an over-tired sloth and the only thing I’m planning on getting a large amount of is SLEEP!
Gone are the days when I would arrive home from a Friday shift, jump in the shower and make a start on getting ready for a night out on the town. No longer do I search my wardrobe for possible party wear or bop along to the latest tunes on the radio whilst curling my eyelashes and ousting my hair with an extra-large can of hair spray.
These days I barely reach 6pm never mind 3am the following morning. I no longer suffer with the uncertainty of what happened the night before, instead I find myself wondering where time went when I dared to close my eyes for five minutes.
This evening for example, I lost an hour and a half to a sneaky snooze AKA a Nana nap. I hadn’t intended to go to sleep but my body obviously had other ideas.
I must be getting to ‘that age’ as it seems near impossible to sit or to lay down for more than five minutes without nodding off. I have never really been a fan of hot drinks, unless of course it’s Ovaltine which has been a lifelong daily ritual and necessity. These days though I’m chugging the coffee like its second to oxygen – anything to keep me going and to get me through the day!
I’d love to have a night out when we have the chance, it’s been ages since Paul and I got glammed up and had an evening out in town. The last time we went ‘out-out’ was almost three months ago now!
We had planned to go out in December but made use of the child-free time to wrap a mountain of Christmas presents. By the time we had finished folding, sellotaping and sealing the piles of presents, we were too tired to consider getting ready to go out, never mind to leave the house. Besides which, we’d stocked up with snacks and drinks galore thus spending further pennies at the pub seemed a little pointless.
Sat listening to Friday night dance tunes seems to give me the urge to go out, I’m just lacking the energy, that and the child-care. Though truth be told, I’d rather spend the time with my kids than to go out without them. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to hit the dance floor when we get the chance, though it’s more likely that my head would hit the pillows by ten o’clock as I lack stamina.
I blame winter, all the dark mornings and dark nights are forcing me into hibernation. Who in their right mind wants to leave their warm, cosy, central-heated houses at this time of the year? Not me, that’s for sure!
Gone are the weekends when I’d wear high heels, perfectly straightened hair and mountains of makeup. I’d much rather be bare-faced, rocking my fluffy pyjamas, chunky boot slippers and oversized dressing gown with my hair stuck in a mum bun. Who needs a night out? (me…) Id rather avoid the blisters, hangovers and extra expense anyhow.
On that note, I’m off to run a bath before getting into my weekend wear (that’ll be my fabulously funky PJs then!).
I am currently sitting in bed wearing my comfy pj’s with my hair tied back in a mummy bun, a glass of hot lemon on the bedside cabinet and about to watch Netflix. Don’t think I will last long because it seems that the moment my head hits the pillow I instantly fall asleep.
I have no idea where my energy came from when I was younger, these days I’m the same as you
Enjoy the weekend x
Awww so so glad to know I’m not alone. Thanks so much for replying!