It was my first day back at work today following almost a fortnight’s holiday and to say I’m exhausted is an understatement. I got home a little later than usual to find both kids awaiting my assistance with their reading and their homework not to mention the pots that were sat in the sink also waiting for me to do something with them, that and the carpets which needed a good vacuum.
Honestly, I spend one day out of the house for a few hours and everything seems to pile up all of a sudden – thank goodness for my fairy mother-in-law who had kindly done our ironing for us, I really don’t know where we’d be without her at times!
Thankfully I’ve managed to plough through the realms of chores leaving ample time to enjoy a cup of coffee and a catch up with the soaps followed by a much-needed hot, bubble bath. Ahhh – bisto!