It’s almost school run time, so I best be quick. We have somehow managed to make it through today with a hangover on board, to distract myself from the spongy brain we filled our day with lots of play and a load of housework, more ticks off the list and all that. I’m off to work for another bar shift tonight, whether I’ll cope around alcohol considering the skinful I had last night, I’m not entirely sure. Paracetamol and Coca Cola and NO, I didn’t get the blinking seven minute workout done today either.
I have however hoovered the house top to bottom, sorted and put away all the laundry and cleaned around generally. Actually I’ve done a whole load more than seven minutes, so it’s all good, well apart from the birthday cake which I polished off (had to be done) which was ninety percent sugar. Oh to heck with it, I’m a failure.