Forgive me for I have sinned. The kids woke late, we ate breakfast slumped on the sofa at gone ten o’clock then proceeded to vegetate in front of the television akin to zombies.
We have done very little other than tootle about with train sets, lark about with Lego and generally play lethargically. Theres been the odd argument here or there as there tends to be with most siblings that play together. Theres only so many screaming matches a Mother can endure before becoming tempted to stick her fingers her ears whilst “lalalalalaing” to herself to cover the chaos!
To be honest I was pretty shattered following a full on day and yet another late night. The idea of pulling out all the stops to keep the kids entertained wasn’t entirely floating my boat. They’ve been super stars though and despite not having a great deal to do and Mummy here spending way too long sorting the laundry, tidying around, looking at my phone trying to send emails, answer messages and keep up with the World of the web they’ve behaved like stars.
So shoot me, I’m obviously a bad Mother as I’ve left the kids to play independently while I’ve pottered around catching up on a few things. I may have even allowed them both to enjoy time using their IPads and do you know what? I feel no guilt.
I will hold my hands up and openly admit that I am far from the ‘Yummy Mummy’ role model Mother. I am no Instasham or fakebook parent, I am just me and sometimes I need time too.
Not every day of the holidays can be all singing, all dancing. There comes a time when we all need a rest, I for one needed some serious downtime. Other than locking myself in the bathroom which has seemed tempting at times I have very little time to myself to process my thoughts, today I finally seemed to get my head back on track and for that I am hugely grateful.
We all have those kind of days Rachel. Your kids will still love you and all we be well. Just keep enjoying your family time, that’s what’s all about. Xx
Thanks Eliana x
Last week I went all out entertaining the kids but this week I have let them just play and laze about and it has been just as good….We have had a lovely time. If you are a bad mother I am too. lol It won’t do them any harm amusing themselves. I think it’s good for them to find their own things to do. x
It didn’t they weee fine x
Glad you’ve found some time for yourself in the holidays. I’ve got no chance with my two they bicker at every opportunity. x
Ours are getting better with time thankfully